Thursday, November 29, 2012

I know I haven't posted in a while

So I let the blog sit for a bit,
So what? It only got a few views since I last checked, but when I did check, I was all like, "I could make a change over in this poem...and this one...and this one......this really sucks..." So I'm going back, and changing EVERYTHING
So be warned


revised: The Picture Drawn

I do believe
Before the war
There were no men
Not forty score
To live and die
Right by your feet
For soon demise
They'd surely meet.
They'd go on living normal lives
A house and kids; their loving wives.
There’ll be no grit
No blood or scars
Just coming home
In brand new cars.
They'd love their wives
With all their heart
No fear of death
Will “do us part”

But so it was,
Their numbers called,
And friends did die;
Their wives appalled.
The picture that
Was drawn for them
Was not their husband;
No home for men

The face was gritty
Blood caked on heads
And here were they
With comfy beds.
They took their lives
Their friends’ respect;
All war is just
What won't expect

Now men rush in
When that age comes
Testosterone rage
Will fill the guns
They'll get much tougher
The friends, they'll meet
Will say they're invincible
Just can't be beat.
They went ahead
And joined the cause
Came home in bags
All wrapped in gauze

But boys still go
And waste their life
For something when
They get a knife;
Our culture breeds
Such warrior men
But no one knows
No bullet will mend